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Amazon is a two edged sword. I own a Kindle as well as running the program on my computer. It started because the only way I could get a craft book I wanted was by Kindle, and I have since "bought" a lot of craft books that way because the printed version got too expensive. Now the app has been updated and I can no longer read half of them! Not funny given the price I have paid for some of them, which turned out to be more than the paperback price once the print version came out. Amazon takes its readers for a ride as much as it does its authors! Unfortunately it seems to have managed to sign up most of the non-fiction authors anyone could ever want to read, particularly in the crafts area, my interest.

I have to be honest though, thanks to cataracts I started going blind before Covid, and the only way I could read was on a Kindle, and after three eye operations I still have problems reading a printed book. Kindle has been a life-saver. Taking a laptop to curl up and read is not quite the same. We don't have much choice of e-readers here in Australia, Kobo is more expensive, and none of the others can be found in a store near me and they are unlikely to have the text books I am after.

I have recently seen some new releases on Kindle that state there is no DRM on their Kindle books. Whether the authors have great standing with Amazon or not, it might be the start of something that could benefit authors and readers alike? Fingers crossed.

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